如果计算机在较低的 下运行,并且需要立即提供更多 RAM,则 Windows 会使用硬盘空间模拟系统内存。这叫做,通常称为。它与 UNIX swapfile(交换文件)类似。在安装期间创建的虚拟内存页面文件(名为 pagefile.sys)默认大小是计算机上 RAM 的 1.5 倍。
- 尽量避免页面文件和系统文件在同一驱动器上。
- 避免将页面文件放入容错驱动器,例如或 。页面文件不需要容错,而且一些容错系统将数据写到多个位置,所以它们将面临缓慢的数据写操作。
- 不要在同一物理磁盘的不同中放置多个页面文件。
可以选择优化计算机的内存使用。如果计算机主要用作工作站,而不是服务器,则可以为程序多分配一些内存。程序将运行得更快,系统高速缓存的大小将达到 Windows XP 提供的默认大小。如果计算机主要用作服务器,或者如果使用需要更大高速缓存的程序,还可以指定为更大的系统高速缓存留出更多的计算机内存。
为获得最佳性能,请将初始大小设成低于“所有驱动器上页面文件大小的总数”下的推荐大小。推荐大小等于系统 数量的 1.5 倍。 通常,尽管日常使用需要大量内存的程序可能会增加页面文件的大小,但应当将页面文件保留为推荐大小。 Notes
- To have Windows select the best paging file size, click System managed size. The recommended minimum size is the same as 1.5 times the RAM on your computer, and 3 times that figure for the maximum size. For example, if you have 256 MB of RAM, the minimum size is 384 MB, and the maximum size is 1152 MB.
- For best performance, do not set the initial size to less than the minimum recommended size under Total paging file size for all drives. The recommended size is the same as 1.5 times the RAM on your computer. It is good practice to leave the paging file at its recommended size as performance can decrease if a paging file is too large. However, you may increase its size if you frequently use programs that use lots of memory, such as graphics programs or games.
- We strongly recommend that you do not disable or delete the paging file because this can lessen the computer's performance. However, if you decide to delete a paging file, set both the initial size and the maximum size to zero, or click No paging file. 来源: <>
There is quite a variety of ideas on this subject, but here’s a place to start for computers (typically older ones) that don't have much RAM:
- If the computer has less than 1 GB of RAM
- Minimum – 384 MB
- Maximum – 1 GB (or less if disk space is in short supply)
- If the computer has more than 1 GB of RAM
- Minimum – 1 GB to the amount of RAM installed
- Maximum – 1 GB to the amount of RAM installed 来源: <>